Singing Guide: Public Enemy

Singing Guide: Public Enemy

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you're looking to learn how to sing like Chuck D of Public Enemy, you must start with understanding the context of the music he is known for. Public Enemy's music spoke to a generation who felt disenfranchised from mainstream society. Chuck D was the lead vocal of the group, and his commanding voice was an integral part of the powerful and impactful message that Public Enemy produced.

Chuck D's unique vocal technique is notable for his powerful and commanding delivery. To achieve this style, you must start by focusing on proper breathing techniques and good posture. Good breathing will give you the support and power to deliver your message with clarity, while good posture will help you project a commanding presence.

Chuck D's style also incorporates a lot of dynamic range, from soft spoken whispers to booming, energetic shouts. To develop this skill, practice singing exercises that push your limits in terms of dynamic range. The Farinelli Breathing video is an excellent resource for breathing exercises, while the Vocal Pitch Monitor can help you practice singing with precision and proper technique.

Finally, to learn some great songs associated with this style, you can look at popular Public Enemy cuts like "Fight the Power" and "Don't Believe The Hype".

Singing Carrots' resources offer a great selection of tools and lessons to help aspiring singers improve their skills in many areas. For further reading, check out Singing Carrots' instructional articles on topics like analyzing your voice and practicing articulation. The site also provides a range of videos for improving specific skills, such as twang, growling, or vibrato. For more comprehensive online instruction, Singing Carrots' singing course is a great option that covers singing theory and practical tips over 21 lessons.

So, if you are looking to sing like Chuck D, remember to focus on powerful delivery, good breathing and posture, and dynamic range. Practice these techniques with Public Enemy's iconic tracks and Singing Carrots' resources, and remember to keep honing your skills over time.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.